Why now is the perfect time to get Togekiss in Pokemon Go


If you’re a competitive Pokemon Go player then you’ll know Togekiss is a must-have Pokemon. Here’s why now is the best time to add the Jubilee ‘mon to your team.

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Togetic is currently featuring as the November Research Breakthrough reward in Pokemon Go. While Togepi, and Togetic, are certainly not impossible to get hold of, they definitely aren’t found regularly.

So, Togetic featuring as this month’s Research Breakthrough encounter is an opportunity that trainers shouldn’t want to miss. If you play your cards right, you’ll be able to get five of them across the month.

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Even if you weren’t aware of this until now, you should still be able to get four of them. Although that depends on how many stamps you are away from the seven stamps needed to encounter it.

Frankly, many of the Research Breakthrough rewards in 2020 have been underwhelming. Few of them had any real place in the Pokemon Go meta but Togetic, well Togekiss, certainly does. In fact, it is arguably essential.

Togetic Research BreakthroughBulbapedia
With Togetic trainers have an excellent reason to get those Field Research stamps in November!

Togekiss must-have

There’s aren’t too many trainers that would argue with the fact that Togekiss is one of the toughest species to defeat in Pokemon Go. As the fairy-type Pokemon with the current highest max CP in the mobile game, it is the perfect foil for many popular choices.

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We’ve previously discussed just how strong Giratina is in Pokemon Go but it quickly becomes useless when up against Togekiss. That’s because of the dragon part of its typing which is doubly weak (and ineffective) against fairy.

With dragon-types featuring so prominently across the Legendary ‘mons, Togekiss is an excellent Pokemon to have in your back pocket to cover them. The same can be said for dark-types such as Darkrai, Hydreigon and Tyranitar whereby fairy types comfortably defeat them.

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Togekiss also has the immensely strong Charm Fast Move at its disposal. It does an incredible 5.33 DPT, making it the second most powerful Fast Move in Pokemon Go.

Naturally, this does come at the expense of energy generation but if you’re up against either dark or dragon-types then Charm will decimate your opponent before you even need one. The only time Charm can be a hindrance is when up against a strong neutral opposition or against fire, poison, or steel Pokemon.

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Togekiss does have a remedy for steel-types, although you’ll need to manage it carefully. Both its Ancient Power and Flamethrower Charge Moves hold a type advantage over it. This is a last resort though, as you definitely don’t want to be in a battle with steel ‘mons.

Unfortunately, you are basically restricted to a lack of energy generation with Togekiss because its alternative Fast Moves – Air Slash and Hidden Power – are poor. Regardless, any player wanting success in GO Battle League needs to have Togekiss as an option!

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