Summit1G hit by 1G curse in reverse with worst PUBG death of all time

summit1g pubgPUBG / Summit1G Twitch

The curse of the 1G strikes back, as popular streamer Jaryd ‘summit1g’ Lazar can be seen laughing off an unfortunate in-game PUBG death that’s reminiscent of his infamous CSGO snafu.

The “1G curse” originated in 2016, when Summit was playing for Splyce at DreamHack Austin in a group stage elimination match against CLG. While the player managed to get the last kill to wrap-up the game, he accidentally perished stepping over a fire while on his way to defuse the undefended objective .

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Thus a meme was born and the ‘summit 1G molotov’ incident was later enshrined as the Worst CS:GO Play of the Decade in an unofficial poll.

Unlike the original meme that was forged from the fires of failure many years ago, this time, the streamer took a plunge in PUBG’s rivers but wasn’t quite paying attention to the meter that tells him how long he has left to be underwater.

Avoiding the death traps on Sosnovka bridges on Erangel, Summit pivoted his team to the water below to safely make it to one of the last circles.

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It wasn’t a bad idea either; going through the water would have let his team avoid bridge campers while also giving them moderate protection from squads looking toward the banks for stragglers.

He advised his team to go underwater which gives them a bit of a speed boost while swimming and lets them avoid getting attacked. Unfortunately, summit went a bit too deep for his own good.

Summit plunged to his death in PUBG trying to avoid pesky bridge campers.

Before he knew it, the streamer’s in-game character was out of breath and his HP bar was sinking before everyone’s very eyes, all while the realization of the epic collapse in judgement was starting to settle in.

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Just like in 2016, when he forgot about his thrown molotov that ultimately killed him, this time he forgot to keep track of his underwater meter, cutting his PUBG match short.

The reverse-1G will keep the meme alive for now, seeing as it’s a humble reminder of the insane predicaments that summit can get himself into.