Selling Sunset viewers slam Chelsea Lazkani’s  office fashion choices


Chelsea Lazkani is one of the Oppenheim Group’s best real estate agents. Fans have a lot to say about her outfits, though.

Every agent from Selling Sunset has proven that she genuinely cares about her fashion sense in front of the Netflix cameras.

These women dress up to the nines just to file paperwork in the office for the Oppenheim Group or to go on mansion tours.

Lately, fans of Selling Sunset have a lot to say about Chelsea Lazkani‘s outfits in particular. Some are starting to think she takes her style a little too far.

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Selling Sunset fans don’t all approve of Chelsea’s outfits

An entire Reddit thread has been created to discuss Chelsea’s outfits on Selling Sunset. The person who started the conversation titled it, “Chelsea’s outfits are RIDICULOUS…”

They added, “I don’t mean in a good way! I remember Christine’s outfits being extreme but at least it came across as high fashion. I just don’t feel the same about Chelsea’s outfits at all.”

One of the reasons fans are slamming Chelsea for her fashion choices is that she often wears clothes that they believe are extremely edgy and revealing.

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Another person on Reddit wrote, “She seems to wear lingerie as if it was fashion…”

Someone else chimed in to say, “Both her personality and her outfits are incredibly trashy [in my opinion].”

Another Redditor wrote, “I agree, she could turn it down a notch because she is a real estate agent not a girl from like Hooters. Although she has good fashion taste, it could be more appropriate based on the event.”

Thoughts on Chelsea’s fashion sense aren’t all totally negative, though. One person shared a more chipper opinion by saying, “They’re fun to look at though. It’s entertaining and she pulls it off for the most part.”

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Someone else who isn’t offended by the revealing garments posted, “I actually like them. Idk I look forward to how ridiculous they get each episode, it’s fun!”

Regardless of the feedback Chelsea receives from Selling Sunset fans, it doesn’t seem like she’s going to be changing her fashion sense anytime soon.