Every Super Smash Bros. Ultimate fighter balancing change in 4.0.0 update


The 4.0.0 update for 4.0.0 patch included support for a brand new Online Tourney mode, which allows players to compete in events against opponents from around the world, new DLC packs, and a brand new character in the form of Dragon Age’s Hero.

Alongside Hero, a large number of the game’s other characters have received balancing updates, with a number of buffs and nerfs made to different fighters by Nintendo.

NintendoMewtwo got some major buffs in the 4.0.0 update.

Pokemon character Mewtwo has been on the receiving end of some changes, with Nintendo reducing the area of the character’s tail that can take damage, increasing the time of hit detection on its Up Smash and the power of Backward Throw, and pumping up the attack speed on Side Special.

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Ridley was also given a major buff by Nintendo, with all his attack maneuvers boosted to make him a much more powerful character, in hopes that he may become a more regularly-used fighter in the future. 

Elsewhere, Ivysaur was nerfed to make it slower, while all fighters must now use their Final Smash within 20 seconds of their FS Meter becoming fully charged, otherwise their meter will reset and they’ll be forced to build it up again.

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NintendoRidley’s attacking moves were all strengthened with the balancing update.

In total, 43 Super Smash Bros. Ultimate fighters underwent some sort of balancing change in the 4.0.0 update, meaning we could see a huge shift in terms of which characters are the most popular to use, affecting everything from casual players right the way up to esports competitions.

You can view the full list of fighter balancing changes below.

Fighter Move Change
Common for All Fighters Using Shields (Link, Young Link, Toon Link, Hero) Basic Movements Characters who carry shields can now shieldstun shuffle when blocking a projectile with their shield.
All Fighters FS Meter Once the FS Meter is fully charged, the Final Smash must be used within 20 seconds or the FS Meter will reset. Note: This change will not affect Spirits mode.
All Fighters The max combo count in Training will stop counting when the opponent can move
All Fighters Item Attack Shortened the distance opponents can hitstun shuffle when attacked by the Daybreak item.
All Fighters Item Attack A fighter on the ground will now be launched after one hit from the Thwomp assist trophy.
Mario Basic Movements Adjusted the vulnerability when waking up from sleep to match other fighters.
Donkey Kong Basic Movements Adjusted the vulnerability when waking up from sleep to match other fighters.
Link Basic Movements Adjusted the vulnerability when waking up from sleep to match other fighters.
Link Up Special Shortened launch distance when the full combo doesn’t connect.
Samus Basic Movements Adjusted the vulnerability when waking up from sleep to match other fighters.
Samus Up Smash Attack Shortened launch distance when the full combo doesn’t connect.
Dark Samus Up Smash Attack Shortened launch distance when the full combo doesn’t connect.
Yoshi Side Smash Attack Reduced the range opponents will be pushed while charging.
Fox Basic Movements Adjusted the vulnerability when waking up from sleep to match other fighters.
Peach Neutral Special When blocking an attack from the rear, Toad’s counterattack will hit opponents easier.
Peach Up Special Shortened launch distance when the full combo doesn’t connect.
Daisy Neutral Special When blocking an attack from the rear, Toad’s counterattack will hit opponents easier.
Daisy Up Special Shortened launch distance when the full combo doesn’t connect.
Bowser Down Air Attack Immediately descend when using the attack after being launched.
Sheik Down Air Attack Immediately descend when using the attack after being launched.
Mewtwo Basic Movements Reduced the area of the tail that can take damage.
Mewtwo Up Smash Attack Increased the amount of time hit detection lasts.Extended launch distance.
Mewtwo Down Smash Attack Reduced vulnerability.
Mewtwo Backward Throw Increased power.
Mewtwo Side Special Increased attack speed.Increased the speed to reflect projectiles.
Mr. Game & Watch Down Air Attack Immediately descend when using the attack after being launched.
Pit Neutral Attack 1 Increased attack speed.
Pit Up Tilt Attack Reduced vulnerability.
Pit Down Smash Attack Extended launch distance when hit with the first attack.
Pit Back Air Attack Reduced vulnerability when landing after using the move.
Pit Down Air Attack Extended launch distance when hitting an opponent in the air with a meteor effect.
Dark Pit Neutral Attack 1 Increased attack speed.
Dark Pit Up Tilt Attack Reduced vulnerability.
Dark Pit Down Smash Attack Extended launch distance when hit with the first attack.
Dark Pit Back Air Attack Reduced vulnerability when landing after using the move.
Dark Pit Down Air Attack Extended launch distance when hitting an opponent in the air with a meteor effect.
Zero Suit Samus Down Air Attack Immediately descend when using the attack after being launched.
Snake Basic Movements Adjusted the vulnerability when waking up from sleep to match other fighters.
Pokémon Trainer Other The invincibility time for grabbing edges is no longer shortened when performing a Pokémon Change in the air and then grabbing an edge.
Ivysaur Down Air Attack Reduced the range of the strong launching attack.Shortened the launch distance when the weak launching attack hits.
Ivysaur Side Special Reduced attack speed and increased vulnerability.
Ivysaur Up Special Shortened launch distance for the high-damage range when using the attack in the air.
Charizard Side Tilt Attack Extended launch distance when hit in the high-damage range.
Charizard Side Smash Attack Increased power. Extended launch distance.
Charizard Up Smash Attack Shortened launch distance when the full combo doesn’t connect.
Charizard Neutral Air Attack Increased the amount of time hit detection lasts. Reduced vulnerability when landing after using the move.
Charizard Forward Throw Extended launch distance.
Charizard Side Special Increased the speed of the edge-grab timing.
Lucas Dash Attack Increased the amount of time hit detection lasts.
Lucas Side Tilt Attack Increased the range at the beginning of the move.Extended launch distance when hit in the high-damage range.
Lucas Up Smash Attack Extended the invincibility time at the start of the move.
Lucas Up Air Attack Reduced vulnerability.
Lucas Side Special Reduced vulnerability when landing after using the move.
Sonic Down Air Attack Immediately descend when using the attack after being launched.
Olimar Side Smash Attack Increased the distance for Purple Pikmin.Increased the amount of time hit detection lasts for Purple Pikmin.
R.O.B. Neutral Attack 1 Reduced the amount of time opponents will be in the damage animation when hit with the tip’s attack range.
Toon Link Down Air Attack Immediately descend when using the attack after being launched.
Villager Up Smash Attack Made it easier to hit multiple times.
Rosalina & Luma Basic Movements Rosalina can be more easily grabbed from the front when walking, crouching, and shielding when Luma is following.
Rosalina & Luma Neutral Attack 1 Luma will be in front when reversing the attack.
Rosalina & Luma Side Smash Attack Luma will be in front when reversing the attack.
Rosalina & Luma Up Smash Attack Luma will be in front when reversing the attack.
Greninja Down Air Attack Immediately descend when using the attack after being launched.
Little Mac Neutral Attack 3 Depending on the timing of continuing from neutral attack 2 to neutral attack 3, neutral attack 3 will no longer decrease vulnerability.
Mii Brawler Basic Movements Reverted falling speed to match version 3.0.0.
Mii Brawler Neutral Special 2 Increased attack speed.Extended launch distance.
Mii Brawler Up Special 1 Extended launch distance.
Mii Swordfighter Neutral Special 3 Made it easier to hit multiple times.
Mii Gunner Up Smash Attack Made it easier to hit multiple times.Shortened launch distance when the full combo doesn’t connect.
PAC-MAN Neutral Special Will no longer drop the Bonus Fruit while charging the neutral special even if flipped left or right with attacks like Mario’s side special.
Ryu Basic Movements The attack after a perfect shield will be unleashed after facing the opponent.
Ken Basic Movements The attack after a perfect shield will be unleashed after facing the opponent.
Corrin Side Smash Attack Extended launch distance.
Corrin Down Air Attack Immediately descend when using the attack after being launched.
Corrin Side Special Reduced vulnerability when jumping after stabbing the ground.
Corrin Up Special Extended vertical and horizontal distance.
Bayonetta Down Air Attack Immediately descend when using the attack after being launched.
Ridley Up Smash Attack Increased the amount of time hit detection lasts.Extended launch distance.
Ridley Back Air Attack Increased power.
Ridley Up Air Attack Increased the high-damage range.Made easier to hit the high-damage range.
Ridley Dash Attack Increased attack range.
Ridley Side Special Reduced vulnerability when jumping after grabbing an opponent.Extended launch distance when throwing an opponent at the edge.
Ridley Up Special Increased attack speed.Increased movement speed.
Simon Down Air Attack Immediately descend when using the attack after being launched.
Richter Down Air Attack Immediately descend when using the attack after being launched.
Isabelle Basic Movements Extended distance of forward and backward dodging.
Isabelle Neutral Attack 1 Made it easier to hit multiple times.
Isabelle Up Smash Attack Extended launch distance.
Isabelle Side Special Extended launch distance of upward throws.Increased the speed of the grab detection.
Isabelle Down Special Increased attack speed of the Lloid attack.
Piranha Plant Dash Attack Adjusted launch angle.
Piranha Plant Up Tilt Attack Reduced vulnerability.
Piranha Plant Side Special Capped the attack-power increase when repeatedly reflected.Increased attack speed.Increased the amount of time hit detection lasts.
Piranha Plant Down Special Reduced vulnerability.Increased the power against shields.Shortened the charge time until reaching max charge.
Joker Down Special While Arsene is summoned, projectiles that deal 50% or more damage cannot be reflected.