Leffen explains why he’s considering quitting Smash Ultimate

nintendo/carlton beener

dSuper Smash Bros. legend William “Leffen” Hjelte has raised come concerns about Ultimate and revealed that he is considering quitting the game. 

Leffen is one of the most famous Smash Bros. players in the world, having made his name as a Fox player in Melee. He’s known for being the first player to defeat all of the ‘five Gods’ of Smash – Adam ‘Armada’ Lindgren, Juan ‘Hungrybox’ Debiedma, Joseph ‘Mango’ Marquez, Jason ‘Mew2King’ Zimmerman, and Kevin ‘PPMD’ Nanney.

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Ever since his accomplishment he has been a central figure in the Melee community, consistently making appearances at the biggest events and battling it out with the best of them.

NintendoSmash Ultimate has become one of the biggest fighting games in the world.

Like many other Smash Melee players, he joined the Ultimate competitive scene as the game continues to grow with Nintendo’s support. However, he doesn’t seem to be enjoying the game and has revealed he is considering quitting during a Twitter rant on November 27.

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“Having to learn 3x the matchups in a game with 76 characters is an insanely bad disadvantage. Either joker main or quitting Ultimate most likely.” Said Leffen when talking about his current main – Pokemon Trainer.

The Swede claims he is massively disadvantaged having to learn how to use three different Pokemon against 76 characters when every other player only uses one fighter. Not only that, but he cites Ivysaur and Charizard as “so f*****g bad on defense” giving him even less fighting power.

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He also suggested he may switch to Joker, however, he claims that while the character has a tonne of potential, he hates playing him online and that is his only source of practice.

Leffen even went on to say that Ultimate is “such a mess” for him, although, it has helped him realize he loves grinding games, even if he doesn’t like the game itself.

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Finally, he added that he will be hosting some more boot camps for Ultimate players, so even if he quits playing, he will still have a hand in the competitive scene.