Viral amateur filmmakers Ikorodu Bois mindblown by massive Netflix gift

Ikorodu Bois and Netflix logoNetflix / Instagram: ikorodu_bois

[jwplayer FYh8Nu86]The Ikorodu Bois — who went viral earlier in 2020 for their magnificent, low-budget recreation of Netflix’s Extraction trailer — have been left mindblown by a huge care package given to them by none other than Netflix themselves.

For the uninitiated, the Nigeria-based Ikorodu Bois went viral after their Extraction remake, receiving mainstream attention as well as shoutouts from star Chris Hemsworth as well as the Russo brothers, the directors of the film.

While they have remade other trailers, such as Money Heist 4 and Bad Boys, their recreation of Extraction is what garnered so much attention and put them on Netflix’s radar.

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Now, though, Netflix have gone one step further and sent the group a huge bundle of equipment to make their work higher quality and easier to produce.

At the start of a video posted to Twitter, the group are stood amid countless boxes containing all manner of stuff, simply saying “thank you so much” to Netflix for the gift.

As the camera pans around, the boys are clearly awestruck by what they’ve been gifted, frequently reiterating that “this is amazing” with huge smiles on their faces.

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In the video, you can definitely see how much Netflix have gone out of their way to show their appreciation to the Ikorodu Bois. Brand new iMacs, lighting, microphones and more are just some of the things on display, and there’s so much it’s literally impossible to decipher what everything is.

The group were clearly besides themselves with excitement, and it’ll be interesting to see the kind of content they put out in the future using this.

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For all we know, this really could be the next generation of top film directors and producers — and now, with companies like Netflix looking to give them a chance, the Ikorodu Bois should firmly be on everyone’s radar.