Mirage’s Heirloom has awesome secret animation in Apex Legends

Mirage Heirloom Apex LegendsRespawn Entertainment

[jwplayer cf8U9voE]Players have discovered a clever and somewhat hidden animation for Mirage’s Heirloom weapon in Apex Legends that’s absolutely perfect for the Holographic Trickster.

Mirage is a man of many talents: He’s arguably the most cocky/confident legend in Apex, being able to bamboozle other players with his confusing abilities and is apparently a decent chef, to boot.

To honor his culinary skills, Respawn has apparently included a rare animation when using his new Heirloom weapon that smacks enemies with an actual pork chop.

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The easter egg animation was discovered by an Apex fan on Twitter, who decided to play around with Mirage’s new Heirloom in the practice range.

While testing how the hilarious golden statue would work in combat, Kareem Fakher stumbled upon what could be the greatest animation we’ve ever seen in Apex Legends – and one, of if not the best, uses of a pork chop ever in a video game.


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Apart from being absolutely hilarious and fitting with Mirage’s character perfectly, it’s also probably the most disrespectful way to take down an opponent.

Just imagine the shame you would feel if, in a game featuring robots, high-powered sniper rifles and literal laser cannons, you actually meet your end at the hands of some delicious grilled meat.

Mirage’s legendary pork chops have been a meme in the Apex community for a while now, with fans even attempting to recreate the recipe themselves, with mixed results.

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Respawn has hyped Mirage’s brand-new toy as “free,” like they do for all Heirlooms, but any fan of the battle royale knows that’s not the whole truth. To unlock the new cosmetic, Apex players will have to collect 24 exclusive Lost Treasure items that can be found in packs, through direct purchase, or made through the Apex Legend’s crafting system.

So if you have enough time, or extra cash laying around, you too can unlock Mirage’s new Heirloom and experience the power of the pork chop for yourself.