Infamous ‘CoD Burner’ claims H3CZ & Muddawg already know that competitive CoD will change to 5v5

H3CZ, Twitter - MLG

Reports have surfaced that two influential members in the sphere have already been made aware that the Call of Duty World League will be changing its competitive format for the Black Ops 4 season.

According to the mysterious and infamous ‘CoDBurner,’ OpTic Gaming CEO Hector ‘H3CZ’ Rodriguez and 100 Thieves’ Head of Esports Operations Eric ‘Muddawg’ Sanders have already been told by CWL officials that the league will be adopting a 5v5 format for the upcoming season. 

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These claims were initially made on Reddit, and followed up by a post released by the Twitter account tracking the CoDBurner.

“someone told me hecz and muddawg know its 5v5 which lines up with what i heard. that psn leak of the 5v5 tourney nearly seals it for me. wheres /u/mlgAdam when we need him?”


The leak the Burner speaks of could to PlayStation’s Black Ops 4 tournament in Germany. It was revealed that this tournament would be the first competitive event o Black Ops 4, and would feature four teams in a 5v5 format.

Due to PlayStation’s partnership with the Call of Duty series and the CWL at large, a shift to a 5v5 format seems imminent. This likewise aligns with other developments in Call of Duty, such as Black Ops 4’s public matches downsizing from 6v6 to 5v5.

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There will be no real way of knowing whether these claims made by the CoDBurner are indeed true, since neither H3CZ nor Muddawg are likely to reveal that they had prior knowledge.

However, there has not even been any confirmation about the format change, which could make all of this a moot point if the CWL decides to stick with 4v4.

There has been constant debate among many in the community as to whether competitive should become 5v5 or stay at 4v4, and H3CZ has publicly been on the side of change.

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One way or another, players, orgs, and fans will have to wait until Activision reveals the upcoming season’s competitive format in a live-stream on September 19.