Where are the top 5 best places to land in Blackout?

Call of Duty’s battle royale mode Blackout takes place on the franchise’s biggest ever map. With a map that size, there are a lot of choices to make about where you should land when entering a game.

With fan-favourite Call of Duty maps built into the landscape, alongside new and exciting points of interest, it can be tricky deciding where to drop in order to give yourself the best chance of victory.

While your favourite landing spot will come down to personal preference, some places can give you an advantage over your enemies thanks to the bountiful loot you can find there, the vehicles you can acquire, or even due to its position on the map. 

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Treyarch have released a heat map that shows the locations on that map that saw the most action during the Blackout beta than ran in September. While some areas are definitely busier than others, the results suggest that action can happen anywhere on the map, and isn’t confined to certain areas of the franchise’s largest map. 

Below are some of the best places you can land in Call of Duty: Blackout.

5. Nuketown Island

The always popular Call of Duty map Nuketown has been reimagined as an island in Blackout, and is stocked with mountains of loot to set you up for a victory.

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Visitors to Nuketown Island will also notice a massive helicopter sitting at the west end of the island, allowing players to make a quick escape once they’ve geared up.

4. Rivertown

Rivertown’s central location makes it a perfect spot to start from if you are concerned about travelling to the circle. With lots of buildings to provide cover, along with plenty of loot to help you gear up, players who are able to battle their way out of Rivertown can make the quick trip to Firing Range to grab more items and take on enemies.

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3. Lighthouse

Situated in the south-west corner of the Blackout map, the lighthouse is a great landing spot due to its seclusion from the rest of the map. This area is ideal if you want to take your time gearing up before heading into combat, with a supply chest usually found at the very top of the lighthouse.

Players do need to be wary of the play-zone, as depending on the location of the next circle, they may need to use the ATV which spawns on the walkway in front of the lighthouse to make sure they make it.

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2. Asylum

Asylum sits ominously on top of a mountain range on the east side of the map. A two storey building with a hedge maze to the rear, there is some good loot available to pick up at this location.

However, the real treasure is dropped by the hordes of zombies who pace around Asylum waiting for their next victim. Zombies can drop legendary weapons such as the powerful Ray Gun or the Monkey Bomb grenade, and there’s also a chance that the Mystery Box from Call of Duty’s Zombies game mode will spawn on the second floor.

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1. Construction Site

The high-rise building site in the north of the map is a hugely popular drop-zone thanks to the incredible amount of gear that can be found there. Sprawled across two massive structures, with multiple floors in each, the Construction Site is a treasure trove of weapons and armor, and due to its elevation, provides players with a great view of the surrounding area.

Gamers can then take a trip to the small clump of white houses directly south of Construction Site, which is where the insanely powerful Koshka sniper rifle regularly spawns.

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