KSI knocks out “Logan Paul” in debut G FUEL trailer

GFUEL, Logan Paul Vlogs - YouTube

Popular YouTuber Olajide William ‘KSI’ Olatunji is known for his famed rivalry with social media star Logan Paul, which saw the two throw down in the boxing ring last year – and, more recently, on the set of a G FUEL commercial.

KSI was announced as part of the G FUEL family on June 13, marking another internet superstar as part of their ranks, standing alongside the likes of Twitch streamer Dr Disrespect and YouTube king Felix ‘PewDiePie’ Kjellberg.

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However, his announcement was made with more than just a simple Tweet – KSI made another debut with the company in a hilarious commercial, which capitalized on his boxing prowess and challenging attitude.

The commercial shows KSI clad in boxing apparel, walking through a backstage scene complete with a circus act and a fruit seller.

The video ends with KSI stepping into the boxing ring to knock out a Logan Paul double with a single punch – likely a reference to their upcoming rematch in November 2019.

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While KSI has yet to announce a special shaker or flavor with the company, his partnership with G FUEL follows even more beef with Paul, which saw KSI accuse Logan Paul of using the death of his dog for views.

Paul’s Pomeranian, Kong da Savage, passed away in early April, after the pup was taken from his yard by two coyotes, as shown by security footage of his residence.

Despite Paul seeming genuinely upset by the ordeal, KSI poked at a sore spot and accused him of making his video on the topic for profit, after Paul insulted his New Age music tour.

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KSI’s G FUEL partnership likewise follows his feud with his little brother, Deji, who accused him of years of physical and mental abuse – and even threatened legal action against his older sibling, should he make a video over the subject.

TwitterBrothers KSI and Deji have likewise shared a troubled relationship, with Deji accusing KSI of mental and physical abuse over their lifetime.

Despite these threats, KSI uploaded an hour and twenty-minute-long video debunking Deji’s claims, which saw his little bro ultimately decide to hash out the matter in private.

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KSI and Logan Paul are set to face off in the ring in November 2019, although no venue nor exact date for the bout have been revealed as of June 13.